December 14, 2012

New sidewalks and smile a new lease on life

Of course all that roadwork slowed down and finally stalled our in house renovations and the front deck so maybe next spring we can get things finished.

Another thing that happened this summer that stalled things even more was the lose of our beloved Mojo.   He had been part of this family for nearly 16 years and we are still missing him badly.
We invited a new poodle puppy into our life a couple of months later.   Life will never be the same... 

 Now 8 months old and full of  intelligence, vim, and vigor Jazz has become an even more important part  of our household then we ever expected.  She is opening doors for me that have been closed for years. Her need for exercise gets me out of bed on days I would rather forget the world exists, her antics make me smile when the world is black.  Saturday we will move from simple just being a good dog training to task training and eventually on to full Service Dog status for her and me a new life outside my house and safe places.

Look at how bright and white these new sidewalks are.  I keep thinking there is snow on the ground when I glance out the windows.   Of course I am slowly learning to look at the GRASS.  Yes we actually have grass now at least near the new sidewalk complements of of the city.  It looks odd because it is still green when the rest of the grass in the front yard is now browned off for the winter.