November 18, 2021

 Injuries side lined us for much of 2021 so things I wanted to do didn't happen.  We did get a nice crop of potatoes so will try them again this coming year.  Some of my other attempts didn't work as well...  Groundnuts need more shade and moisture.  I think the squirrels ate my sunchokes,  Runner beans were another winner.  Among my tomatoes Dwarf Pink Passion and Black and Red Boar were both winners but few others were as outstanding.  And those injuries meant that potatoes, tomatoes, and runner beans were about all we got planted... 

Hopefully 2022 will be better.  We really liked the fresh potatoes so will be growing them again.  In fact we have already ordered our seed potatoes.  We are bringing back AmaRosa a late red fleshed fingerling I really liked and Adirondack Blue a mid season blue fleshed potato that we both liked.  Then I added two yellows that are new to us Natascha which is an early season and Daisy Gold a mid season potato.  For storage I added Kennebec a white fleshed favorite in the US.

AND I once again joined in the MMMM seed swap.  Got my envelope mailed in today and of course now I get to wait and see what shows up.  I asked for more varieties of Runner Beans to trial as I liked what I got last year.   

Runner beans are a different species then regular bush and pole snap beans.  They prefer cooler soil conditions so I can plant them earlier and if I do a combo of regular snaps and runners I should pretty much have continuous bean production. That of course depends on the local insect population as unlike normal snap beans runner beans require insects for pollination.  But any pods I get can be eaten as snaps, left to mature and eaten as fresh shell beans or left to dry and cooked like dry beans in the winter.  Plus of course they have lovely flowers and are often grown for the flowers alone. 

My tomato plans for next year like much of my garden will be up in the air until I get my returned package from the swap but I do have a few will be grown already picked out...  I will post about those later