May 9, 2023

Garden 2023? well maybe....

 The front yard is looking pretty with all the new, still need to be filled metal beds... back garden is cleaned up but the fence is still not fixed  so I keep having to let Lani out as she can get into but not out of the garden area.  LOL She reminds me of Jazz when she was still very little and could go through the holes in the fence wire but couldn't figure out how to get back out the same way.   Of course little Duchess knows how to got both into and out of the garden through the fence... 

However the potatoes and onions have been sitting in the house for a few weeks now waiting for those beds to get ready. Last week I picked up a few seedlings from the Fort Collins Nursery and from the local Master Gardeners plant sale which means I have 7 tomato plants and 7 cauliflower seedlings to get into the ground also.

Then this weekend Makaila was over and climbed over piles of things to reach my seed starters for me and I managed to clear a path to my growing table so while they are 2 months late I did get some tomato and pepper seeds planted.  Now comes the wait to see how many of those make it outside but I still have until June right?