January 10, 2024

New year new dreams and hopes

 Those metal beds from last year are looking very pretty but many still need bales of dirt and compost in them.  Of course the bottom half in most of them is filled with wood chips which mean we are only putting about 6 to 10 inches of dirt in any of them.  We will need to top them off each year for a while the chips breakdown and settle but still saved us lots of funds for now.  As you can see those beds have made  huge change in our yard. 

The square bed to the right will have corn in it this year.  There is a smaller round bed to the left that will hold squash bushes.  My tall blue one will have trailing vines and hanging basket tomatoes.  That leaves me four 3 by 6 ft beds for my tomatoes and beans.  We are talking about putting an arch over the sidewalk and putting pole beans and scarlet runner beans in there with lettuce and greens on the side away from the sidewalk. 

 I am limiting my tomato plants this year and most will be dwarfs which don't need staking  I will have 3 vining tomatoes, Velvet Red a fuzzy red cherry, Marbled Mystery a bi color tomato and something called Extravagante Rouffiange a fuzzy brown with green stripes from Belgium.  
The dwarfs will be Dwarf Mandurang Moon an ivory/white cherry. Wooly Kate an indet dwarf with fuzzy yellow tomatoes with  blueberry colored shoulders,  Gandalf a bi color dwarf with yummy heart shaped tomatoes (late but very prolific) and probably Large Barred Boar or similar large fruited tomato.   Hmm what was I saying about limiting my tomatoes...  I count 7 varieties and those are the outside tomatoes...  I do hope to have a lot of my little micro dwarfs in the 1 to 3 gallon grow bags scattered around the yard.