May 26, 2015

Choices, Choices, and more Choices

Still plugging away at pulling together the colors for the kitchen.  DH thinks I am just wasting time as he doesn't realize how important it is to make sure all your choices will work well together BEFORE you spend the money to buy them.

Last post I mentioned that we had chosen the type of floor we wanted Marmoleum which is a brand of linoleum.   I posted a picture of one color we were considering and mentioned I was still looking at colors.  Well today my second set of samples came in and I think we may have a winner.   :)  I have mentioned Bluestone to DH a few times as a dream floor but of course it is STONE and therefore not what we need in this house.   Today in my samples look what I found....

And this is what Bluestone looks like...

What do yall think have I found my floor?

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