April 1, 2021

Lots of changes happening in the back garden. I added my tumbling composter and was thrilled to discover it fit perfectly into a formally unusable corner :)

While I liked last years design there were some things I wanted to improve.  I had thought of moving the south box up in line with north box making a U that faced west.  And moving my narrow box next to the trellis that was in the wider box I moved.  While I liked how this worked the amount of effort involved in moving that one box and me worried.   

New idea hit me yesterday.   What if I move the north box instead.  Leave the east and south box in place, turn the north box so it runs north to south and line it up with the edge of  south box so I am one again making a U but this time with the open end facing north.    And leaving my narrow box in place.   Tried it in real life today and it looks like it will work EXCEPT the narrow box will interfere with the arch I want over the gateway...  AND for some reason I don't seem to have as much outside room as I did the other way...  I will have to give this some more thought but I do like the fact that would have 3 boxes running north to south giving my garden boxes better sun exposure.  

I need to get out there with a tape measure and a notebook and make sure I really have accurate measurements for the area and my boxes.   I need room for my potato grow bags, my asparagus bed, my short perennial vegetables I wanted to get started and my cherry tomatoes and peas...  so that will take a bit of work to figure out. 

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