March 26, 2024

New information and new plans...

 I recently stumbled over a video on putting in a Grocery Row Garden that sent me hunting for more and more information.  

Upshot of all this hunting was me buying two kindle books "Grocery Row Gardening" by David the Good and "Grow a Little Fruit Tree" by Ann Ralph.   

Seriously look the videos up they are really interesting.  Now mind you David the Good does say this is more an idea then a proven concept as most of them are currently in the southern part of the US.  So in a more ways then one we will be breaking new ground and adding to the information about this style of gardening but everything he does makes such perfect sense. 

In his system the beds are 4 ft wide with 3 ft walkways between them.  You include small fruit trees (hence the book on growing little fruit trees) and bushes or cane fruit IN THE BEDS in fairly specific places then plant around them... producing a garden that does double duty as annual veggie garden and as a very small orchard.    LOVE this idea and Toli loves the idea of growing his own fruit...  

When it warms up we will go out and measure out the place I am thinking of converting to this method and hmm maybe a single row in the front yard...   

It is still winter so garden dreams abound, check back in a few months to see what really happened. 

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